Boom boom boom, out go the lights!

Have you ever woken up to the electricity in your home going out from a storm? That was me this morning. A neighbors tree broke apart and a giant chunk fell on the power lines, thankfully no one was hurt. While the power company arrived and we all waited on the tree climbers many of my neighbors established my driveway as the “hot spot to congregate”. One neighbor showed up, let’s call him “Bob” Bob is a nice guy, super nice guy, but a “odd duck” for sure. Example you ask? He waits until 830 or 9 pm to cut his grass with lights outside so he doesn’t get a “sunburn”…. He doesn’t have a medical condition, I asked…. Moving on…… As most of us were thankful for the break in the heat, the cloud coverage we had, the light breeze, and the fact that workers were on the scene, Bob proceeded into a mini meltdown. I like others, told him that they are working on it, and all we can do at this point is wait, watch and see.

The markets are like that sometimes, sometimes… Not doing a deep dive into NVDA today but it does no one any good to be like Bob today. NVDA did not get the big giant bounce many were hoping for. If you play with Options you do have more options ( no pun intended ) for your outcome. You have far more ways to define and cap your risk. There’s some strong opinions about NVDA on both sides , but at the moment which direction it takes off from here, if it takes off from here, is anyone’s guess.

Mr. Bezos Sir…….. Thank You Sir for finally listening and popping that price up!!!! Been telling you guys to buy, buy buy!!! lol…. Noooo, no I have not…. I’ve been waiting on a break up north of Resistance which we got today. I’ll be watching for add ons here the next few days, a pullback to the 191 area before a bigger bounce is not out of the picture. If it should go north from here w/o a pullback I’ll add more still but smaller sizes. The Options on it today E~X~P~L~O~D~E~D…….. The 195 Calls are sitting at 21K for this Friday. For JUL 19 are now at 34K, the Puts on that same JUL 19 are only 1,400….. Disparity like this is not seen often. And neither are power outages in the early morning light. So next time your position goes against you, assess the damage to see what you should do, and don’t be like Bob

Invest wisely, live charitably and be well

Brother Bill

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