Strawberries anyone?

Tonight’s full moon is known as the “Strawberry Moon” I study moon cycles, have most of my life, and the Strawberry Moon is one of my personal favorites. Each year I wait for it, I already have my night planned out as to where I will go see it at what times. It comes at this time annually. The Old Farmers Almanac is where I first learned about it, they say that the Native Americans named it because it marks strawberries being in full season. The fact that it will be reddish color is not from strawberries, it’s believed to be because of how the moon sits this time of the year which is lower in the sky and how we process it with other colors. Scientists aren’t 100% sure.

One thing that all of us are sure of is that the stock market acted like it had full moon fever today, not a lot made sense. This morning I wrote about today being Triple Witching Day in the markets. Combine T.W. with Full Moon Friday and the fun never stopped.

While the markets #1 darling as of late NVDA fell from the top spot it still sits at 3.2 Trillion dollar valuation, it was 3.3 Trillion. It closed down over 3% on the day. MSFT is now #1 at 3.3 Trillion, AAPL sits at 3.2 also.

Stocks like AMZN, NFLX and GOOGL all closed up on the day. All of them up above 1%. I’ve been long AMZN forever, can someone call Jeff Bezos and tell him to get AMZN up north of 200 already please? I’m a big fan of setting profit targets, setting Stops, buying on dips ( pullbacks ) and a firm believer that Trade Management never goes out of style. I’m adding a link here, it’s from I.B.D. ( Investors Business Daily ) it talks about rules of selling. I like all of them but #4 is my personal favorite. Check it out and I’ll be back with the Weeks Recap on Sunday night.

And go get outside tonight and see the moon!!!

Invest wisely, live charitably and be well

Brother Bill

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