We have to clean…

We all know that “Old Rule” about when you go about throwing stuff away from out of the attic ( basement or anywhere else in the house ) … “If you haven’t used it in the last 3 years it needs to go!!” There’s just something about getting rid of the old stuff that isn’t serving us any anymore and making clean fresh space that helps refresh our souls. Yeah your favorite rock that you found on your 2nd day of 3rd grade is a great memory, but do you really still need it?

Our stock portfolios / positions are the exact same way. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard investors hold on to losing or going no where positions only because “They knew it was coming back” Okay, maybe it does, now what? You wasted all of that time. The time aspect is bigger than the money aspect. Can you go to the store and buy more time? No, no you can’t, no one can. No one…. Time is a thief, it waits for no one. And when we sit in positions that are not producing we are actually losing money by losing time. This morning I cleaned my portfolio of positions that were simply doing so – so. A couple of them were even green. Just not moving much. That then allowed to to re-allocate that capital into other positions with proven strength. Right place right time, “Even a blind squirrel catches a nut once in a blue moon” That was me today. SPY and NVDA are the 2 that I added the most too.

This is todays Heat Map. If you threw a dart and missed green today it would be pretty hard

Invest wisely, live charitably and be well

Brother Bill

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