It’s $510.00 Somewhere……

What’s been your biggest trading / investing surprise as of late? Ever have one of those “what the heck just happened moments” where you have to go back and check things just to make sure it was real? Whether it was good, bad or indifferent?

Well that was me this morning. As a full time day trader my eyes witnessed something today that I have never done or seen once in my trading life.

In the first 4 minutes of the market open I lost $510.00. Not down but lost, gone. Within those same 4 minutes of the market open I also made, as in booked the profit of $510.00 on a totally separate position. wow… Not even sure what to say about that. Have had more times in my trading career and investing endeavors too that I could only dream of making back the money I lost, and to do so almost immediately?

For me Tuesday JAN 3, 2023 was “One for the books”.

And it will go in my book. My own personal Trading Journal.

My encouragement to you for the New Year is this, if you are not doing so already start a trading journal. Write down the date, the time, the stock, options, futures, crypto, what ever it may be that you are trading / investing in. Make it detailed, write it so that in 5 years from now if you need to read about the trade or investment you have every detail written down. The why you entered or exited. The price of the underlying, the gain you had or the loss you took. Write it down.

It’s been said many times from many great traders / investors before, and it’s true, the greatest trading / investing book you will ever read will be your own personal trading journal.

After you get yours started write me back if you want, I’d love to hear how it’s going

Invest wisely, live charitably and be well

Brother Bill

#stocks #options #futures #crypto #bloganuary #stocktrading #stockinvesting #optionstrading #stockmarket #optionstrading

DISCLAIMER: All content provided in this newsletter, blog, video, chart, communication is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. Nothing included or mentioned is meant to be construed or used as trading / investment / financial advice. Trading / investing carries risk of loss, losses can and do occur. Know your risk and risk of loss before taking on any financial endeavors. Past performance is NOT a guarantee of future success. I am NOT a licensed or registered financial advisor or tax accountant. Prior to making any trading / investing /  financial decisions you should always consult with your licensed and registered financial advisor and tax accountant. There are no recommendations or solicitations  to buy, sell or hold any stock, future, options or bonds or any other financial entity in this newsletter. Nor are there any recommendations on any type or way or method to trade / invest. You do not have permission to redistribute this newsletter without my written permission first..

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